Latest News – May 16, 2021
What Are Free Radicals?
What Are Free Radicals? If you keep up with all things skin care, you have likely heard at least once or twice about how free radicals are bad news for your complexion. But are you aware of why these molecules are so damaging to your body’s largest organ, and what they are capable of? If not, you will want to keep reading.What Are Free Radicals?Before getting into just how much havoc free radicals can wreak on your skin, we must first explain what they are. Free radicals are highly unstable molecules that are formed by normal bodily functions — like breathing, for instance — as well as environmental aggressors, such as UV rays, smoke, and pollution. These unstable compounds look to pair with a missing electron. In doing so, they can latch onto your skin, create a negative chain reaction on your skin’s surface and induce damage to cells. Free radicals have extra energy in them that can damage neighbouring skin cells and collagen.