Latest News – March 10, 2021
Relaxation advice from Sabina at Serenity Day Spa
The vagus nerve (also known as the 10th cranial nerve or CN X) is a very long nerve that originates in the brain stem and extends down through the neck and into the chest and abdomen. It carries both motor and sensory information, and it supplies innervation to the heart, major blood vessels, airways, lungs, esophagus, stomach, and intestines.While there are actually two vagus nerves (the left and the right), doctors usually refer to them together as “the vagus nerve.”The vagus nerve helps control several muscles of the throat and of the voicebox. It plays a major role in regulating the heart rate and keeping the gastrointestinal tract in working order. The vagus nerves also carry sensory information from the internal organs back to the brain
Cold water therapies stimulate the vagus nerve as does singing and gargling .