Latest News – September 08, 2023
Are you in a constant cycle of “flight or fight”?
When you are in a stressful situation, your body may react by going into “fight or flight “ mode, pumping out stress hormones, raising blood pressure and pulse, and redirecting blood away from your organs towards your legs and arms to prepare the body for “flight” . This would be important if you needed to get away from a wild animal, but today we are less likely to find ourselves needing to get away from a wild animal.Normally for a healthy person, the body bounces back to normal once the stressful times are over . Many people get stuck in fight of flight mode. This is especially true when people find themselves dealing with chronic health conditions or a family or work related situation that they cannot handle. The chronic stressors become a self perpetuating vicious cycle . This situation can then lead to anxiety . People sometimes try and reduce the anxiety by avoiding the feared situation altogether.